Thursday, January 27, 2011

New York #1

Nothing too special; just wanted to share photos from our first day there. c:

But first! My WDYWT for that night when we went out to the Greenhouse.

(necklace courtesy of breezy, Ali Rho dress, random black skinny belt, Steve Madden heels courtesy of breezy)

When we first got there, we visited the Chelsea Market!

Forgot where this place, but they had some pretty nomsssyy organic cheeses there, they were soooooo fresh tasting! I'm not sure if that's the correct term to describe cheese though, hah.

They also had these cool hooks underneath the counters to hang your bags! c:

Exploring the city ...

Visited the MOMA! Museum of Modern Art. c: Some of my favorites!

Dinner at Angelo's Pizza??? I think that's where we had dindin, I don't remember any of the places we went to anymore! It feels like a blur already! :C

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lack of Inspiration

It's been more 3 months since I last posted, and actually only 1 month till I turn the big 21. c: Haha.

I used to think that I didn't blog anymore, because I didn't feel like it .. or that I was too lazy to upload and share my photos ... but as I thought about it more and more, I felt like the reason for why I don't post as much as I used to is because of my lack of inspiration and time. For a period, I didn't have that inspiration in me to take my wdywts, or to take photos of my food, because it just didn't seem important to me anymore. It's difficult to explain, but I felt like, nothing really inspired me. Fashion was just another commodity that I didn't need, and that whatever was in my closet, I was content with... and I would just work with that. ...Maybe it's because I've been so busy, that all my attire consists of business casual/formal wear for work... and that it doesn't matter, cause I don't even have free time to dress up or play around with my clothes anymore ... haha. & for that matter, blogging and fashion has been the last thing on my mind. I felt confined .. confined to what I was stuck to... work.

Fortunately, after having this talk with my bff, I realized that it's not entirely gone and in fact, it's coming slowly back! Which means ... or at least I hope .. more blog updates! Hah. c:

OH! I made baked salmon the other night (marinated with olive oil, garlic, pepper, salt, lemon, parsley, and basil) & string beans with onions & mushrooms!

Baked salmon was a supar success, the meat was soooo soft and tender, baked just enough for it to be cooked. c:

String beans w/ onions & mushrooms

I also wish I had taken a photo of my Frutti de Mare the other night too; t'was another success!

Not to mention, I also still gotta post up my photos from New York!!!