Saturday, May 30, 2009


Finally! A WDYWT after a million years....hahaha; what I wore to work.

(Forever 21 headband, top, skirt, t-strap flats from Hong Kong, Marc Jacobs Little Stam)

The deathlike/hell/fire-whatever bottom was unintentional!! The pink box -- that I put the camera on top of -- got in the way during the photo. :c

I don't have much to say other than I am extremely annoyed from all the ladies who print out a million coupons and abuse our sale (not that I don't do that too, cause hey, you want to be able to save what you can, right?) But then just the fact that they come here, use the coupon a million times (okay, I'll let you have that), but when something doesn't go their way, like just one minor thing ... like not letting them put something on hold, they just blow up at you! I mean it's understandable and that it's a part of my job, but sometimes it just gets so repetitious that I get tired of it! A huge migraine forms cause of it! :c It makes me want to hide out behind racks of shoes and avoid customer contact, hahaha. But for the most part, I love my job and the people there! Haha.

Oh and I had a nice surprise today at work! Thanks for the Sprinkles cupcakes Matty! c:

1 comment:

y0ufeelinit said...

the picture looks dope for some accident.