Wednesday, March 11, 2009


(PJs, PJs, PJs)

I is sorry for my lack of updates for the past few weeks. I've been so swamped with work, no kidding!! :c So ... technically I'm supposed to be working on my English essay that I have still yet to start ... which is also due in approximately 10 1/2 hours, but I'm taking some time out to update my past-due blog. So busy, so stressed, hahaha, but no fear, I will live. ...I've never had any of those energy drinks before but that Rockstar Energy drink that my bigs gave me during my "surprise" at work, is sitting on my desk, and it looks prettttttty tempting.

Oh, and I'd like to say happy belated birthday to Jelo Gelo! I shall get on that video soon enough, LOL. And thank you for the rose comment Joseph! c: And to all my readers/viewers, I wanna know who you are! Hahaha.

And my internet is pissing me off! >:C Firefox isn't loading pages like it's supposed cause the internet's being whack, and I keep having to refresh the page multiple times. Grr grr! I always get really s-wordy connection at night! Dumb AT&T. ~___~

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