Friday, February 6, 2009

Virgin Striped Ties

(Forever 21 headband & white v-neck, Love Culture long shawl cardigan worn tied, H&M black pants, Payless boots)

Work always has it's perks. Today consisted of a really-creepy-potential-theft guy who would not answer to any of the associate's comments/questions and would just kinda wander around with shifty eyes >_> <_<>_> <_< and another two dudes who had what I thought had an interesting ... thought.

Man 1: What do you think about this striped tie? It's kinda dark huh?
Man 2: Yeah, I don't like dark ties. I don't really like that it's striped too cause it remind me of virgins.

So tell me guys, how does dark, striped ties correlate to virgins?

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