My new favorite headband to wear. c:
(Forever 21/DIY headband, Forever 21 V-Neck, Garage mustard cardigan, H&M coat, Rock & Republic olive skinnies, HK flats, Marc Jacobs Little Stam)
Sorry for the lack of updates on WDYWTs! I keep feeling like I'm wearing the same thing / nothing special.
New Years Eve, my two bffz and I spent the day in San! I know ... everyone thinks that if you're going to San Francisco on New Years Eve, then you're probably going to be out partying/clubbing right? Nope, not for me. I don't party or club unfortunately. Hahah. I think going to San Francisco is becoming an annual thing, maybe? This is the 2nd or 3rd time in a row. c: But whatev, I still love hanging out with them nonetheless. I wish we took more pictures but we had fun posing in Bloomingdales, while people would walk out of the restroom awkwardly looking at us when passing by. Hahah. I came home yet again, with more purchases...but I think they're all steals! C: MNG by Mango cardigan ($20) & skirt ($20), Zara cardigan ($15), H&M 100 den tights ($2.50), Clinique Clarifying Lotion & MAC brush cleanser (free! Mom's Saks gift card). I'm thinking possible debuts in future WDYWTs.

I spent the new years altering my Cheap Mondays, followed by my R&R's (that I still have not finished due to my multiple messups x3 :C). I was also bombarded by text messages from people mass texting :C :C :C which grr grr, I do not have texting! So when you do decide to mass text, take an extra 10 seconds of your life and deselect me and call me instead, ahaha. After a long early morning of altering and snipping and hemming and bringing cuts in...I finally went to sleep at 3 AM. Then waking up at 12ish in the afternoon, to have sushi with my bffz. 9 rolls of sushi later, I was wayyy stuffed. I made my way into the restroom, which is literally very very weird, causing you to stand there clueless as to what to do next. The restroom had a giant tree inside, and a stall within a stall, fully equiped with a toilet and a mirror directly in front of yourself so you can see yourself do your business. >_> Very weird.
And the rest of the day of the new year ... well ... it was definitely not what I had expected to happen. Some family emergencies came up, and I had to cancel my plan for movies with Vannie. Sorry Vannie. x_x I really did want to watch The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
Well, one more day off, Friday's my last full free day. And to anyone ...hang out with me tomorrow! ...before I have to work forever, and you have to leave forever.