Monday, December 29, 2008
Featured by Jelo Gelo
Hahaha, so I was featured by Jelo Gelo in his blog BLOG OF THE MILLENIUM, which brightened up my day & made me laugh. Hahaha, he's got some steeezzzzz, so you should check out his blog & hopefully he'll update with more WDYWTs. c:
Well, this is going to be a short blog, since I'm trying to blog before heading off to work. Hahah. I've been trying to clean my room & throwing out stuff that I keep holding onto, but don't need. I've also been trying to clean out my closet! So there will be a couple more new items up in my shop in Soompi soon. I think you can finally sorta walk around my room without stepping on clothes! C:
Oh, and I need more bling, and I'd like this bling bling hello kitty ring, please. It's so expensive for such a Hello Kitty ring, but if you find any like it, it'll do. I don't need genuine Hello Kitty.... :x
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Post Christmas
(burnt out white tee & gray jacket Forever 21, diy shorts American Eagle, tights H&M, pointed shoesies Asian-Mall-in Canada, bag Mom's Vintage Gucci)
Went out to eat with the family at Saigon Kitchen for some Vietnamese cuisine. Yum yum! <3
m: omggg i can't stop watching that video
m: and everytime i just watch it my heart just hurts
m: hahahaha
I feel ya girl. 你們是不公平。
m: omggg i can't stop watching that video
m: and everytime i just watch it my heart just hurts
m: hahahaha
I feel ya girl. 你們是不公平。
Christian Siriano - Spring 2009
I normally don't even like anything orange, but this whole ensemble sparked a new liking towards the color orange. Haha.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
16 Facts.
I guess, to not make my entries sound so depressing, I guess I'll write 16 facts about myself as well. Haha.
1. I'm very self conscious, and a bit of a narcissist.
2. When I'm upset, I drown myself in work to keep myself busy and from thinking about things that make me feel that way.
3. My room is almost always messy. 99.9% of the time.
4. I have a walk-in closet, that I can't even really walk into because it's so messy/filled with clothes that I don't really wear.
5. In my entire life, only 13 people other than my family have been in my room.
6. When I have the chance to make/decorate something, I try to make it super creative/pretty.
7. I spend countless hours chatting away on AIM and browsing through fashion blogs.
8. I don't have texting ... yet. So until I do, stop texting me. X_X Please.
9. Phone calls > texts / IMs.
10. Walking is my transportation 80% of the time.
11. I own 60+ pairs of shoes.
12. Big hugs, small kisses, cutesy, lovey dovey, corny stuff make me smile and giggle.
13. I play tennis and badminton, and do yoga.
14. Collecting is a hobby until I get tired of it or feel like I have enough.
15. I want to be 5'8".
16. Strawberry chapstick follows me everywhere.
1. I'm very self conscious, and a bit of a narcissist.
2. When I'm upset, I drown myself in work to keep myself busy and from thinking about things that make me feel that way.
3. My room is almost always messy. 99.9% of the time.
4. I have a walk-in closet, that I can't even really walk into because it's so messy/filled with clothes that I don't really wear.
5. In my entire life, only 13 people other than my family have been in my room.
6. When I have the chance to make/decorate something, I try to make it super creative/pretty.
7. I spend countless hours chatting away on AIM and browsing through fashion blogs.
8. I don't have texting ... yet. So until I do, stop texting me. X_X Please.
9. Phone calls > texts / IMs.
10. Walking is my transportation 80% of the time.
11. I own 60+ pairs of shoes.
12. Big hugs, small kisses, cutesy, lovey dovey, corny stuff make me smile and giggle.
13. I play tennis and badminton, and do yoga.
14. Collecting is a hobby until I get tired of it or feel like I have enough.
15. I want to be 5'8".
16. Strawberry chapstick follows me everywhere.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Chasing Pavements
Is it because I have high expectations? Is it because I have false hopes? It's really not fair, because honestly, I think my hopes and expectations aren't that high at all. I thought that if I let go of all my wants and hopes, that there would be nothing to want and hope for, but it just creeps up and catches up with me. Am I really that unrealistic? Just that tiny bit of hope makes me feel all the bit more optimistic. When my wants and hopes are satisfied, I get a bit more greedy each time. Maybe I just need that blunt answer, to completely have my hopes shattered. Or maybe I'm just misunderstanding everything? What is it? I need to know. To hold on or to let go?
It's funny how when I begin to forget consciously, I end up remembering subconsciously in my dreams. It's funny how when I delete your number after never receiving a call again, I get a call. It's funny how even when everyone tells me to just let go, it just goes in one ear and out the other and I want to hold on. It's funny how even when I know all this, I'm still just chasing pavements.
But from my understanding, I can't control people's actions, only voice my opinions and thoughts. I'm talking in circles, but whatev.
It's funny how when I begin to forget consciously, I end up remembering subconsciously in my dreams. It's funny how when I delete your number after never receiving a call again, I get a call. It's funny how even when everyone tells me to just let go, it just goes in one ear and out the other and I want to hold on. It's funny how even when I know all this, I'm still just chasing pavements.
But from my understanding, I can't control people's actions, only voice my opinions and thoughts. I'm talking in circles, but whatev.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
WDYWT ; Christmas ; (cardigan & top Forever 21, skirt Veeko, patterned tights Target, wedged flats thrifted)
WDYWT ; 12/24/08 ; work ; (top local shop in HK, cardigan Forever 21, skirt Veeko, patterned tights Target, lace up boots Payless)
WDYWT 12/23/08 ; work ; (gray 3/4ths sleeve Urban Outfitters, cardigan Forever 21, slacks H&M, elastic banded heels Stuart Weitzman, bag Marc Jacobs)
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays everybody! I didn't exactly get all my wishes, but hopefully they'll come true by new years... though I doubt it. Ahh, well. But I finally got to taking my WDYWT for the past three days. I kinda just took them all today, but they're the same exact outfits I wore before.
I guess Christmas in the Park will have to wait till next year once again. Well...there might still be a chance. I doubt it though.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
My baby, Little Stam
SOOOO ... I finally got my Marc Jacobs Beige Little Stam last Thursday night, so of course I wanted to debut it the next day...which is exactly what I did. I wore to our high school's multicultural. c: & I got to hang out and eat with my lovelies who I haven't seen in a long long time.
See it?! See it!? That's my baby. Hahha.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Finally freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I am beyond happy. Now I just gotta hope that I have an A in all my classes, which I'm anticipating, and if not, I'm going to be extremely unhappy. >:B
I forgot to take a picture of what I'm wearing today, but I have a feeling I'll be wearing it again soon, so I guess I'll take a picture and post it then. I spent at least a good 10 minutes looking for what to wear today, because Riley & Lawrence always say I look so emo cause I'm always wearing a bajillion pieces of black. So no black today ... except for my school bag. Hahaha.
Once again left with 4 hours of sleep, I finished my business final and turned it in. Presentations & turn ins were today; I particularly liked the group that did the Bonbon Confectionary (their little chocolate tasting towards the end was cute ; but I think that the volunteers were somehow already pre-picked). Then spent a couple hours with Riley, Lawrence, and Joseph, sipping our coffees and having random talks. ...Guys talk about the randomest things ever. Hahaha ... from shoes to movies to Naruto to tv shows to periods to B&BW to milfs to gilfs to skinny boy legs to I don't know, just a bajillion random crap. We went outside, and I "tried" to learn how to longboard on Riley's longboard ... but FAIL. I almost fell on him, hahaha. It's okay, I will learn one day and be like those cool girls who longboard across campus. Haha. Went home, walked around Eastridge trying to find more Christmas presents...only to end up buying myself stuff. >_> Haha. But I did get one present! Hahaha ... went home, spent like the next three hours talking to Wendy and ordering stuff off of Urban Outfitters. Asos is love, but we didn't order from there..oh all the pretty dresses. Decided to head to Great Mall to find more potential presents, only to drive there and then Wendy remembers that she has to register for her math class. So we spent the next 2 hours at her house waiting for her to register, and then we decided that we would go to "Angela's House" (Dennis's house), and spent like the next 4 hours there. Hahaha. Busy busy day, Dennis owns a zoo. Omfg.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
All I Want For Christmas...
is you. Hahaha. C: But really, I don't need all the materialistic goods that I put on my wishlist on Facebook and Myspace ... cause really... they're just there for reference. I don't really need new clothes or new furniture, though it'd be nice. I'm not picky ... well that's a lie, but I'm pretty sure I'll be happy with whatever you have for me. c: But there are two things that I really want, and that's to be able to spend time/hours with those close to me and to get things straighten out before break is over. If not, I don't think I can start the upcoming new year afresh.
There also one thing that I specifically/really want to do and that's to go to Christmas in the Park! (FINALLY?).
There also one thing that I specifically/really want to do and that's to go to Christmas in the Park! (FINALLY?).
Monday, December 15, 2008

I don't think I did as well on my Asian American Studies class, as I could've done, but I got an A+ on my take home anthropology final, finalizing my grade as an A+ in Human Context. YEEUH.
I was glad I'm over with 4 out of my 5 finals, one more to do for Wednesday. I saw my bfbfbz today, and we laughed and giggled for hours playing with her Macbook cam and playing over 20 songs of Guitar Hero 4 with her and her brother. Ohman was that fun. I want to sing and sing and sing now. Hahaha.
Best Friend
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Work & Domo-esque Business.
(v neck, blazer, metallic faux leather jacket Forever 21, jeans H&M, boots Payless)
To work today! .. I just noticed that I wear a lot of black... and very little color ... and that my black pieces seem to blend into a mess of blackness. Hahaha. Butttt I finally found something to wear my faux-metallic-leather jacket with!
(fedora & cardigan Forever 21, button up Charlotte Russe, jeans H&M, flats Stuart Weitzman)
I forgot to post this in my last post, but this was from Monday for my business presentation with one of my domo-inspired server drawings/posters. Hahahahaha. Oh & if you're wondering, it's a poster of our eco-friendly server one day surpassing the success of HP, hence our server tearing HP apart. Hahhaha.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Old Stranger
(blue headband Target, dad's old work glasses, ring Soompi, scarf & diamond necklace Mom, gray tank Target, black top Forever 21, cardigan & jeans H&M, t-strap flats Hong Kong)
Earlier in the day, upon my walking to work ... I was at an intersection waiting for the light to allow me to walk across, when suddenly a man in an automated wheelchair stopped next to mine. However, he didn't stop in time, so he was in proximity of getting hit by a car. As he tried to pull it back with his controller, it did not work, so he had to slowly get out of his wheelchair and try to fix it. I stood there paralyzed in shock, not knowing what to do. By then, his legs would not hold his body up and he fell to the ground and he was still attempting to fix his wheelchair. A part of it had fallen off, and the most I could do was pick that piece up and hand it back to him. He said, "Thank you, you're very kind." I said, "You're welcome, we can cross now." My heart suddenly took a hard punch, because I felt so helpless, I didn't know how to fix his wheelchair... I didn't know whether or not I should pull him back or if would work or what. He even struggled to lift himself up by using his wheelchair as support, when I could have gave him my hand. I'm pretty sure every person in their cars who saw what was happening was thinking how stupid that girl must've been just standing there and watching as a bystander and not bothering to give a helping hand.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Cold Weather
(beret Forever 21, no visual D&G Glasses, Hanes V-Neck Target, gold cardigan H&M, sleeveless gray cardigan & black cardigan Hong Kong, olive skinnies Rock & Republics, jelly gladiators BCBG)
(yellow tunic Urban Outfitters, white thermals Hong Kong, black shawl cardigan Love Culture, gray coat & tights Forever 21, boots Payless)
Okay, so I've been meaning to post my WDYWT, but I kept putting it off because I couldn't find my Adobe Photoshop CS. >:B
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Post Black Friday
No special WDYWT/picture. F21 Jacket & Jeans, Payless Boots. :c
A newww bloggg. I don't even know how many blogs I've gone through, because I always seem to lose track or get too lazy to blog any further, but this is my first blog on blogspot. Xanga no longer has any appeal to me.
Other than my tedious and stressing registration for spring 09 classes, I am overwhelmed with the realization that the semester is going to end soon. There's only going to be about another 2 weeks, and then bam! About 5 weeks of winter break. I'm a little excited, but at the same time, I'd probably be working most of that 5 weeks. There are people that I'd like to see and straighten things out with, but I don't know ... whatever happens happens; I'm tired of waiting.
I'm also recovering from my post trauma after what happened on Black Friday. For those who don't know what happened ... I got into my first accident at 4;30AM in a Target parking lot. I was trying to park in a relatively tight parking spot next to a car that was already parked in the parking spot next to mine and before I realized that it was too tight, I tried to back/turn out and that's when I hit their back, left bumper. It was a minor damage; I scratched their car, and as for my car ... I hit them with the side of the pilot, so there's a dent in between the two doors and scratches. Now for everyone who asked me if I just ran ... no, I did not. Why? Because I hit them when they were INSIDE their car. ...I know. Even if they weren't inside, I don't know if I'd have the guts to just run, because I'd feel even guiltier. We were exchanging information when I realized I didn't have the policy number to my insurance company, so I had to call my dad on the spot to ask what it was. He was not happy, and quite frankly, furious with me. It was definitely the worse day of my life and perhaps also the dumbest thing I have ever done in my life. What made it even worse was that directly across from where I attempted to park, was a completely open lot of parking spaces, that I chose not to park at. ...Yeah, I have no idea why. I spent the first half of the day beating myself up on what happened/crying/seclusion/trying to sleep, and it seemed like no matter who I talked to, I still couldn't get over the idea that it was an accident, and that it's called an accident for a reason. Because ... it was on accident.
Okay, enough of my stupid car accident story (which probably doesn't seem like a big deal, but it really was for me), haha. I spent sometime later that day with Wendy who got her second ear piercings, which I almost did as well, but opted against it last minute, and then headed to work. I didn't drive though so I was dropped off by my dad (x_x), and my co-worker Cutum took me home.
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